Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"The Little Book of Slugs".

ISBN 1 90217 513 1 Paperback
Publication date 2002 Retail Price £4.99
Format Pb - 130mm x 100mm
Extent 128pp
Illustrations b/w line drawings

The Little Book of Slugs edited by Allan Shepard and Suzanne Galant, CAT Publications, 2002. A truly tiny book, perhaps pocket sized to facilitate it's use in the garden. Tales of woe and revenge. Slug inflicted carnage and diabolical retribution, from salt, egg-shells, scissors and copper sheets. A good chapter on knowing your enemy followed by several on tackling the pests. Gleaned from the experience and advice of hundreds of surveyed gardeners the book is at least solace if not the final solution. I found most of the advice suitable for a more tropical garden too.

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