Sunday, November 1, 2009

Berlin Landscape Maintenance

The absolute care with which this tree is planted, protected and logged onto the tree data-base. All images located in Kreuzberg, Summer 2009.

Municipal landscape maintenance, Berlin, 2009.

Germany has an interesting approach to urban landscape maintenance. I believe this has cultural significance. I need to research it's history. I have seen the same approach in Hamburg and Frankfurt in recent years. The cultivation of unkempt weeds in the city, allowing grass to grow and seed, little use of herbicides and pesticides. At first I thought it was financially motivated, now I think it's part of an overall environmental strategy.

It's something that I hope to discuss with a Berlin based collaborator for one or more works towards this year's overall practice. (I am making enquiries towards this currently). I am writing out to friends in Berlin for suggestions.

Question, to seek collaboration with an artist, botanist, horticulturalist, urban-activist or simply a motivated citizen?

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