Sunday, January 11, 2009

Working towards the autobiographical video.

Acer palmatum atropurpureum

My grandfather taught me the name of this plant, the first I ever learnt, I must have been around nine years old. It grew in our front garden at Whiteherons.

The contents of drawers, remnants.

Bad sculptures. I've taught sculpture for more than twenty years, the bad ones never leave the studio. I've come to appreciate them recently, their presence, neglected and decaying.

"Waring Birds" Drawing, Dec. 2009

Video clip traveling

(avi. compact still cam.)

The long bus journey to work at Tarogil and back, from city to farmland and back again. I'm collecting video and images like this, the compact camera is so much easier to keep to hand but resolution will be an issue for final footage.

"Record Room" Video clips
(DV footage Dec. 2008.)

Sample footage from a compact camera. I also have some new mini-DV footage which will be used in the video. I am also planing to use large images and pan across them within FC-Pro.

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